Why you should always be in search for a good job and more opportunities

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Well, that is entirely up to you; and your long-range goal. Are you (will you be) happy and content doing the same thing for the foreseeable future? How long do you see yourself being in the workforce? Are you looking for advancement (or promotion)? Do you have aspirations to supervise fellow-workers? Are you planning to return to school (at some point) to study and build more knowledge about your chosen career? What are your current and future goals outside of work? The answers – to these and similar questions you may have – will determine whether you should be looking at other job opportunities.


If you can (or are) anticipate promotions within your current job, then perhaps you need not be looking at other opportunities. This is especially true in professions where longevity at the same company or organization helps you build seniority for future advancement.


But if that is not the case; or perhaps you might becoming interested in doing something different (since there are so many jobs out there these days), then you may need to periodically keep your eyes open for opportunities. Looking at opportunities does not always mean you are not satisfied with what you are already doing. But perhaps you want more.


So yes, it never hurts to keep your eyes open for new opportunities, just in case. You do not lose anything by showing an interest in new things. At the very least, you might find something else more fun to do; and get paid for doing it.