Privacy Policy

Job Forests Privacy Policy Overview

Job Forests management understands from first principle how relevants, valuable are your information and premium you placed on them. As matter of great thought and geniuness, your information are taking nd handle with utmost care and seriousness.

Hence, your visits to Job Forests through any means, reading through the contents therein, you acknowledge and accept the Privacy Policy and stands to bind on you till you exit the Website. The Privacy Policy applies to every visitors to Job Forests.

Information Collected from Users 

As a thoroughly and well establised Job media, Job Forests takes the Privacy of visitors very serious. Hence, this media would never demand personal information except the visitor(s) willfully provides through form filling and emailing through the Job Forests contacts Page .

No visitor(s) would be under duress to disclose personal information which includes; Names, Age, Sex, Home Address, Email, Phone Number, IP Address, of the very computer through which access was granted to the visitor(s).

Cookie Useage 

A “Cookie”, a thin line of text which usually appears on visitor(s) browser, visitor(s) has the single obligatory to either “Accept or Reject” Cookie. The importance of “Cookie” includes storing records and verification purpose.

Third Party Sites Privacy Policies

Job Forests could not exercise “Authority” on third party website Privacy Policies. Any third party whose thin line of text “Cookie” appears on Job Forests have their unique Privacy Police and visitor(s) is bind by the third party’s Privacy Policies once they click on it.

Contents on Job Forests 

Every contents on Job Forests are veriable and accurate. All contents are thoroughly researched and and true before presented to the reader(s). Moreso, any error, inacuracies, ommission detected on this website is deu to errors of writing.

Terms and Conditions 

Job Forests management reserves the “Right” make change, adjusment, corrects, modify, remove, add parts of the terms at the management discretion at any time or in the future.