How to improve your work experience, so you can land better opportunities which requires having an experience


You contact potential employers and say that you would like to find out what it is like to work in that field, and would they be prepared to give you two weeks work experience shadowing someone, free of charge.


I was doing a law degree, and in 1995 I wanted to find out what it was like to work as a solicitor. I contacted a few local firm, and one agreed. At the end of two weeks, I was offered a part-time job, fitted in around my University hours, to answer the phones, greet clients, do his basic clerical work, post letters, photocopy papers for barristers, etc.


I stayed working for him until after he retired in 1999, when I got a job as a Legal Executive with the firm who took over his private client work (mainly Wills, non-contentious divorces, and debt management)

Start preparing for Google Code-In (for students under 18 yrs of age) and Gsoc (Google Summer of code) for adults. You will gain experience while working on a project under a mentor. PS: It’s paid

Start investing in platforms like Hackerrank, Github, CodeChef, etc. Sometimes they do provide internship opportunities that will add value to your degree. Apart from that during your training days, apply for internships through Internshala or other platforms. It will hone your skills and you’ll get a touch of the professional world.

Start learning and try digging into freelancing for small level projects. You might get a chance to work on a project from the field of your interest.