Ways to get a job that gives you higher edge and opportunities than others

Etiquette Quotes

It isn’t what you are doing wrong… it is what you AREN’T doing.


Here are some amazing tips I have had from Recruiters and Professionals over the past 18 years:


Hiring Managers don’t care about you. They care what you can do for them. Stop giving them a list of ingredients about you (your skills, knowledge, qualifications and experience) and instead give them the results they’ll get from hiring you (the achievements and the quantity of those achievements). Stop sounding like a job seeker and instead position yourself as a solution to their problem. It’s all about what you can do for them. It’s not about you needing a job *from* them. It’s called empathy and it’s your secret weapon. Use it and win.


Be authentic and personality goes a long way! In an interview… be yourself and try and connect with the interviewer on a personal level. Hiring managers are people too… leave them with a good impression thinking “I like that guy/girl”! Even if you are under qualified, you’d be surprised how far being likeable and personable will take you!


Be selective in your job hunt so interviews are simpler. Scope out the companies you’re truly interested in working for and target your efforts there. It’s still a candidate driven market so take your time and find the right fit.


Don’t vomit all your skills and experiences in an interview. Figure out what you want and make your resume tell you how you are qualified for that goal and repeat during the interview. EASY.


If you want to work for a specific company, don’t wait for a job announcement – reach out to them first. You lose nothing and you might just be in the right place at the right time.


🔥And one piece of advice to hiring managers that I LOVE LOVE LOVED….


Always ask your candidates what they listened to on the way to the interview……classical, gangsta rap, podcast, etc. Then ask them why and what they got out of it. It is a deep dive into how real they are or are being with you.