ways to make extra cash without getting a second job without a resume 



What are some ways to make extra cash without getting a second job without a resume

If you needed extra money, like, yesterday, you’ve come to the right spot.


Our team has compiled a list of creative ways you can fatten your bank account this month. Certainly, there’s something here that fits your needs.


Without further delay, here are four ways to pocket some extra cash:


1. Get Paid up to $225 to Watch Movie Previews


If we told you that you could get paid to watch videos on your computer, you’d probably laugh.


It’s too good to be true, right?


But we’re serious. A website called InboxDollars will pay you to watch short video clips online. One minute you might watch someone bake bro


How do I get job opportunities?

How can I learn more about job opportunities in my area?

Need experience to get a job, but I need a job to get experience. What can I do?

What are the possibilities of getting job opportunities after?

What are your opportunities for a job?

What are some ways to find job opportunities that do not involve submitting a resume? I’d like to convey more than just my work experience which is scattered and unorthodox.

Scattered and unorthodox and does not involve submitting a (cold call) resume,. You have summarized a question I hoped to experience one day on Quora.


As a result, I sense a need to reply in two parts, both of which shall stand on its own.


Part One – For anyone who has, like me, experienced assisting one-on-one near 4,000 professionals in career transition over 24 years, it is clear many better paying jobs are gained WITHOUT submitting a dreaded resume.


I say dreaded resume, especially those proffered coldly (when no one asked).


A sword swallower is an unorthodox profession and is “performed” in scattered locations.


That said my favorite daily (365 days a week without fail) blogger and author, Seth Godin says, “You are your resume!”


I am sure sword swallowers performing in scattered venues DO NOT own a resume. Likely a dramatic color photo and even a video with a narrator, but NO run-of-the-mill-cold text on a digital page or analog piece of paper. Nope!


I am celebrating your query and praying you “stick to your guns” and not allow anyone to dissuade you from eschewing a traditional 1920s tombstone recitation of job titles, dates and locations.


Besides, many resume advocates fail to point out the scarcest “commodity” in the world today is ATTENTION. Not only getting it, even more important, keeping it.


Your patience please as I carve out (pun intended) later today (USA ET ) more minutes to produce Part 2, “What to do when you know a traditional resume won’t “fill the bill” for you with an unorthodox and “scattered” job history and, I am confident, an ACCOMPLISHMENT-RICH background.


Part 2 – While I have never performed a sword swallower act, I have hired and traveled with famous 16ft 8 inches tall “stilt person”, Harold DeGarro, who who never owned a resume. He let Life Magazine and other publicity methods tell his story as he pursued his unorthodox career in “scattered” venues throughout the U.S.A.


My personal experience seeking municipal franchises in southeastern U.S.A. called for non-traditional (creative) methods to meet, greet, influence and be remembered at the next city council/commission meeting.


What to do? Send a letter to each voting member of the city voting body? No! Not practical, too slow, and too impersonal.


Instead I chose to “hang out” where the city attorney, the city manager, and most members of the city council/commission hung out. In a matter of a few hours I identified which “diner” was the favorite place for them to have breakfast…together almost every morning. Most attendees never missed morning breakfast every weekday.


At first I sat at the counter and because I did my homework and visited one on one not only with the Mayor and other city officials and, crucial, the former Mayor who still wielded a lot of power. When I showed up every morning for breakfast, I was remembered and because of the following and my consistent “appearance” at the breakfast hangout, I was invited to SIT WITH the city officials and elected members.


That was not enough.


I learned that most city movers and shakers belonged to Rotary International, Lions, and. Kiwanis. I contacted the program director of each of these organizations who is alway seeking fresh speakers, like me. I had the inside info on the pros and cons of the proposed new franchise being bid on by many representatives. Result: I gained more exposure and respect by being an invited guest speaker. Few if any of my competing applicants showed up at breakfast or was invited to speak at recognized community organizations.


Seeking employment or a contract may not call for such elaborate and cunning actions, but you get the points and in case you missed them, summarized, I say a) Scope out where target employers hang out, b) Insinuate YOU into that sphere of influence carefully, persistently, and politely, c) Plan well in advance assuming you are serious as I was in achieving the “end game”. In my case, causing the city commission/council to vote in favor of me and the nationally known company I represented. Which they and other cities did.


You might ask, but how do you identify the decision makes, not the recruiters, not the overworked (overwhelmed) Human Resources operatives? One huge fee-based resource if you are not seeking an exclusive franchise, is http://www.hoovers.com owned by Dun&Bradstreet. Hoovers offer “real time” updated names, titles, companies, contact information for the best of the best national and often world wide based for-profit and non-profit organization.